Monday, September 22, 2008

Mosquitoes Beware!

This is a warning to all mosquitoes to cringe in fear of Robin's exploding palm technique. A technique so powerful... all mosquitoes caught in it's awesome path will explode with such force that it makes a nuclear bomb seem puny in comparison. Any mosquitoes who come within 2 mm will also suffer some after shock and my be physically altered by the extreme force... lost limbs or even death are usually a result of such AWESOMENESS.

Soon... once mosquitoes enter the room they'll scream out in fear, "Oh F**K, wrong room!" and wish they entered someone else's dorm room.

PS. Robin is applying After Bite to his whole body! They should make some After Bite Extra Extra Extra Extra strength! New product line boys. I'll be your first customer to try it out.



1 comment:

Marc said...

They'll scream "wrong room" but that's more due to witnessing the "lightning greased-palm" technique, not this exploding technique you speak of.