Monday, November 10, 2008

Daily Happenings

Hi Everybody,

Sorry that i haven't written in a while. I am still alive and well and still in relatively good health (starting to get sick right now - sore/itchy sore throat) - hopefully i win.

From my last post i haven't done any major traveling. Just been sticking around campus and celebrating Diwali with the Department of Management Studies. We went to our India Supervisors house for Diwali dinner with his family along with another PhD student from Korea, his wife and their 2 children (1 boy, 1 girl - very cute). We got a tour of his house that he built himself - very large, marble floors etc), we sat around the living room and feasted on Indian Cuisine (Chicken Biryani, Curd rice, Roti among many many other dishes that they explained to me but still can't remember - it's like learning a new language - nothing really sticks until you don't need it anymore - i'll probably remember everything when i get back into Canada!).

We then celebrated Diwali with the MBA Students - We had a Puja and then we lit firecrackers in the field. it was pretty crazy! I personally like the firecrackers that give off really nice lights, but apparently in the "Firecracker" category are crackers that go BOOM, kinda like a bomb. Those freaked me out, i'm sure all the students had a nice laugh about the scared Canadian guy 30 feet away from everybody else with his ear plugs on. I still got my hearing!

Yesterday, we were invited to a wedding of one of the students brothers. It was a very nice wedding, very colorful. Then we had a awesome North Indian Cuisine, and fresh fruit and ice cream.. Yum. It was a great experience!

When not out and about in town. I'm usually in the Scholars' Laboratory (with the masters and PhD students). I set up camp in a small section of desk and claimed it as my own. i put all my CRAP there, daily newspapers, copy paper, folders, water bottles.. you know... the usual. It's very cozy... this one place is probably the only place where i don't think i'm in a foreign country. I usually put on my "noise isolating headphones" (best investment ever!) and just get lost in the music and work. I haven't been very productive the last week, but now i'm back in the working mood or "workish" mood as the germans' say!

For Halloween, we didn't do anything special. We went to a nice little cafe called Mocha about 20 minute rickshaw away from campus. We snacked, drank really GREAT Coffee (i have had a coffee everyday since i was here - i'll cut back when i get back to Edmonton!) and smoked some Sheeshah - green apple (DON'T TELL MOM!).

So far, being away from home I've realized that it doesn't matter where you are in the world, but there is nothing better in the world than meeting passionate, kind, friendly and loving people and having great conversation over food and drinks.

Sitting around chatting and waiting for some food.

Chai latte, a very huge cup by only 1/3 full. Delicious!

Sheeshah on the porch, with one of the German students (He's AWESOME!)

Anyhoo... that's all for now... Pictures of wedding are on another camera, i'll post those up as soon as i get them!


Miss you all!


"Every man must decide whether he will walk in the creative light of altruism or the darkness of destructive selfishness. This is the judgment. Life's persistent and most urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'"
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

1 comment:

tim said...

Hell ya, that is super wicked awesome :-). Oh, swear jar (I do not even know how to write that s***).
Thanks for complimenting. Nice to hang around with two fancy canadians ;-).
Good night